Director Technical Standards
Qualcomm Incorporated
homas Stockhammer received the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degrees from the Munich University of Technology, Munich, Germany. Thomas was Visiting Researcher at Rensselear Politechnical Institute (RPI), Troy, NY, USA and University of California San Diego (UCSD), San Diego, CA, USA. After acting as cofounder and CEO of Novel Mobile Radio (NoMoR) Research for 10 years and a consultant for Siemens mobile, BenQ mobile, LG Electronics and Digital Fountain, he joined Qualcomm in 2014 as Director Technical Standards. In his different roles, he co-authored more than 200 research publications and more than 150 patents and 1000s of contributions to standardization efforts. In his day job, he is the active and has leadership and rapporteur positions in 3GPP, DVB, MPEG, IETF, ATSC, CTA, ETSI and the DASH-Industry Forum in the area of multimedia communication, TV-distribution, 5G Broadcast, content delivery protocols, immersive media representation and adaptive streaming. Among others, he leads the MPEG-I and Scene Description efforts in MPEG, he is the chair of the DASH-IF Technical working group, the rapporteur of the first completed 3GPP VR (Rel-15), the first completed 3GPP XR (Rel-16) study, several study and work items in Rel-17 as well as the chairman of the DVB over 5G activity. Thomas also received the INCITS Technical Excellence Award 2013 for his MPEG DASH work, the 3GPP Excellence Ward 2017 for his work on Enhanced TV and the CTA Technology & Standards Achievement Award 2019 for his work on CTA WAVE Device Playback specification. Thomas is a regular speaker and program committee member at events such as IBC, DVB World, Mile High Video, Media Web Symposium or EBU’s BroadThinking.